
u get to see all kinds of cars and people ....
u get to meet lots of celebrities, wherever.

i was so freakin' hungry when i got outta class today,
it was around 10:30.

i called up Jim and asked him if he wanted to have some nite snacks...
he said ok.
so i drove up to his place, somewhere close to UCLA,
then we went to a ramen restaurant.

as i was chattin' w jim at the restaurant,
the guy sitting behind him suddenly turned his head,
guess who that was?!

it was Adam Sandler!

first, i thought my eyes fooled me,
but then he turned again,
it really was him.
so funny!

too bad i didnt have my camera w me!

it's really easy to bump into a celebrity in LA,
u just have to pay attention.
i mean, comm'on,
most celebrities live in LA and most movies or TV shows are shot in LA,
so, wut's the big deal?!...

ha...anyways, it's just soooooooooooo good to be living in LA!
guess next time, i'm gonna carry my camera w me everywhere, haha!

    創作者 Jas 的頭像

    J's LA LA Land- 加州女孩J的LA時尚生活-加州洛杉磯生活旅遊, 美式時尚穿搭,美國頂級精品牛仔褲

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