J's Style Lounge 時尚洛杉磯購物指南&好萊塢當紅牛仔褲指南

*** 這是一個以美國洛杉磯LA生活, 旅遊和流行時尚文化為主的部落格. 分享關於LA的生活、旅遊資訊, 好萊塢時尚趨勢, 美國娛樂及流行文化資訊, 並同時介紹當下流行的實用美語.

*** 想知道關於洛杉磯哪裏好吃, 哪裏好買, 哪裏好逛, 哪裏好玩嗎? 請至 "加州女孩 J 的LA 時尚生活" - jslalaland.com

*** 分享美國好萊塢現在最流行的牛仔褲, 哪位女星穿著哪個品牌的甚麼款牛仔褲, 各大品牌介紹, 哪件褲子好不好穿, 購買時需要注意甚麼事項, 及購買資訊...

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目前分類:i'm in Hollywood, i heart entertainment (32)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

[ J's LA Diary ] 跟著電影 LA LA LAND 樂來越愛你 遊洛杉磯

不知道大家看過了最近上映的 "LA LA LAND 樂來越愛你" 了嗎?

LA LA LAND 這個詞原本指的就是與現實脫離的夢幻、極度開心狀態 (就像你開心的時候 la la la 啦啦啦忘神的唱歌一般), 到後來也與洛杉磯/好萊塢這個眾人前來追求夢想的迷幻世界劃上等號, 也因此成為洛杉磯這個城市的暱稱 (也是當初我命名我部落格/Facebook Fan Page的原因啊!)  既然粉絲頁與電影同名 (但幹嘛沒事翻成什麼樂來越愛你, 實在好ㄙㄨㄥˊ、跟LA又沒關係 >_<)  又加上身為洛杉磯人, 我當然一定要好好介紹這部片!

這部片完全是封給LA這個城市的情書啊, 它帶出了洛杉磯最浪漫、美好的一面也是LA不為人知的一面. 儘管結局或許不是一般好萊塢Happily Ever After的皆大歡喜結局, 但也就是因為這更接近現實的 "What if (我當初如果不是做這樣的決定, 我現在的人生或許會完全不同); Not everything can be perfect"這樣狀態而產生的淡淡哀愁讓它更觸動人心.

相信每個人看完這齣劇都會有不同的體會, 不過今天不跟大家談劇情或拍攝手法, 今天讓我帶著大家跟著這部影片的腳步來遊洛杉磯吧!

(eonline 能把這張地圖畫出來實在太了不起了! 也讓大家對LA的地理位置稍微有些概念!)


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上週四受邀去參加了AXN Hannibal影集的試映會,

這次試映會其實最讓人驚喜的是他們為此部影集特別推出的second screen app,

iOS 和 android 版都有.


對於任何科技新知, 不管是3c, 網路或app等等, 我都很有興趣.

second screen app (也就是指電視是你的第一螢幕, 手機,平板, 電腦等是你的第二螢幕- 不過近來其實有倒過來的傾向 :P) 在美國其實流行已久,

各大電視台都替他們最受歡迎的節目制作second screen app, 或是像Zeebox這樣結合tv guide和眾多影集同步互動的app,

Screen Shot 2013-07-24 at 6.21.52 PM

他們都積極結合社群功能, 例如twitter及時討論, facebook分享,


也可同步從app中得到各式各樣關於此影集的資訊, 例如fun facts, 幕後花絮, 演員介紹等等,

甚至可以與電視同步得知劇中人物的穿搭物件, 直接購買,

充分結合social 及 mobile/e-commerce,



而這次AXN首度搭上這股風潮, 替影集Hannibal特別制作的second screen app,





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我想, 認識我的人, 或是有在follow我的blog, facebook的人都知道我超愛看美劇.

這次, 受到AXN電視台的邀請, 要跟大家介紹即將於7/29 每週一晚間10點開播的 "Hannibal 雙面人魔" 影集.


(加入AXN的粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/AXNTW)

講到 Hannibal, 大家應該都不陌生,

之前由影帝Anthony Hopkins主演的 Red Dragon 紅龍, The Silence of the Lambs 沈默羔羊, 及Hannibal 人魔 系列電影應該已經深植人心 ,


而這次由名制片人Bryan Fuller為美國NBC台製作, 台灣AXN台播放的同名系列影集,

更讓我們能從更深的心理層面去瞭解人魔Hannibal Lecter, 去解析他.



(但由於本片極血腥, 因此建議大家可先有些心理準備!)



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好啦, 我承認我是電視兒童,


搞得我現在看影集比看fashion雜誌還看得多, ha...


之前有跟大家稍微介紹了一下這季最新的影集==> 2012-2013 秋季美劇首映日期及介紹

2012-2013 Fall TV  



幫助大家選劇來看 :)

(以下只寫我有看的, 畢竟我不可能每部都看嘛 :P 然後我個人也比較不愛看喜劇, 所以這邊比較沒有喜劇喔...)


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2012-2013 fall tv premiere

大家都知道我很愛看美國影集, 之前也跟大家介紹過利用看影集來學英文是個很好的方法-
讓大家知道有哪些可以看, 原有影集哪時新一季會開始囉!
(btw,在這邊就只介紹新的影集喔, 其他不是第一季的就不多介紹囉 :) )
2012-2013 Fall TV  

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i've always been a huge JT fan 

n i know this is not fashion-related,

but JT & Fallon kicked ass, it's way 2 cool for me not to share this video...lol

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Finally!!! After a few months of extreme boredom, my TV shows r back!!!

(even though some of my faves r cancelled or has ended, there are a few more that im lookin' forward to, hoping they'll live up to the expectations, lol..)

here's the lineup of the Fall season...

經過幾個月的無聊日子, 我最愛的美國影集新一季終於要開播了!!!

(雖然有些我喜歡的已經被取消或演完了, 但是也有些新的是我期待的, 希望這些新影集可以跟我希望的一樣好囉, 哈...)


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love the way you lie 

Burnin' Luv- Love Gone Wrong (by Jas)

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昨天看了一下這個fall的TV series line up,


(ok, i know i'm a total sucker for american tv shows....)


(but personally im not really into comedies, so dont expect to find comedies on my watch list, lol)


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the curious case of benjamin button

7 pounds

the spirit

he's just not that into you

confessions of a shoppaholic

rachel getting married

fast & furious 4 (gosh, i miss LA & all those fancy cars!!!)

revolutionary road

the reader




DVD to watch:

pride & glory

vicky cristina barcelona

rock n rolla




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Communication in the media is an increasingly growing and competitive environment, especially among those reporting news and distributing information throughout our society. The revolution in the competitive media landscape since 1995 has altered the way Americans live today. Since 1995, the media industry has had to consider international opportunities as well as international threats. For example, international expansion has caused the United States to do things such as invest in foreign programming networks, create centralized management policies so that if and when the media is expanded overseas, they will be prepared to deal with the challenges of vertically integrated competitors that operate in a more centralized manner. In regards to technology, the paths to access and distribution have opened immensely giving Americans more and more ways to obtain information. According to the Pew Research Center, "Nearly seven-in-ten Americans (68%) now use a computer at least on an occasional basis, up from 61 percent in 1998 and 58 percent in 1996. Almost as many have a computer in their home-59 percent, up from 43 percent in 1998 and 36 percent in 1995" (Pew Research Center, 2006). Traditional news outlets, such as the television, are no longer the main source of receiving information. In our new technologically advanced world, most of society prefers to receive information through their cell phones or blackberries. "Only 55 percent of Americans now report having watched the news or a news program on television 'yesterday,'" whereas in 1994, 74 percent of Americans used television as their news outlet (The Pew Research Center, 2006). Television's supremacy is ending. TV ratings are going down and the internet's usage is going up. The internet has become one of the largest technology breakthroughs in history making business very hard for networks. For example, the majority of businesses prefer their consumers and clients to visit their websites in order to obtain information about their company. The non-stop growing environment of technology has, in turn, changed every aspect of a human's life.

           Consider the social and economic impacts of communication inside the lives of Americans in 2006 compared to those in 1995. In order to keep up with the trends of today's society, people are purchasing new media conceptions every day causing "built in obsolescence." This is when the consumer is initially persuaded into buying a product; however, the corporation quickly manufactures something new and improved making the first product obsolescent (for example: ipod, then the ipod mini, then the nano). Convenience has also moved its way up to the top of the priority list of most Americans.  As a result, our society is becoming more and more alienated and unsociable. We now no longer have to communicate with our peers and/or colleagues face-to-face anymore. It seems our society would rather communicate through emails and the internet than even picking up the telephone. Nonetheless, this increasing technology may have a tendency to harm these companies. For instance, people no longer want to take the time to go to the store and buy DVD's or rent movies because it is inconvenient for them.

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            Michael Eisner, who joined Disney in 1984, served as the prince that awoke the dormant giant of animation and infused new life as well as new strategies into the company. Along with Frank Wells and Jeffrey Katzenberg, the trio successfully rebuilt the magic kingdom of Disney with Eisner’s profit multiplier business model and the application of synergy group. With Eisner’s business model, Disney’s creative content was transformed and repackaged in various forms which led to the expansion of profits in a wide range of consumer product domains. Repacking and cross-marketing did not only help leverage “the value of one content source across the company’s many divisions” but also allow the creative content to be utilized numerous times to increase profits for shareholders (Harvard Business School, 1998, p. 2). Accordingly, branded products that originated from the creative content became one of the major channels for revenue for the company. In the end, the result of their efforts was the creation of a brand and a self-sufficient entertainment empire that had the privileges of ignoring vendors from the outside.

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it's brad pitt,

it's an artistic drama,

it's a novel.





give me my benjamin button!


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America's Best Dance Crew

Prison Break

Gossip Girl

The Hills


American Idol

America's Next Top Model


the Rachel Zoe Project

Project Runway



Grey's Anatomy

Desperate Housewives


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因為期待已久的season 7在Keifer做完牢可以出來趕拍之後,


2-hr premiere!!!




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但是基於我對電影音樂的熱愛跟身為communication major的習慣,
一年一次的teen choice awards即使是miley cyrus主持也是要看一下,
更何況有我愛的American Idol今年winner-David Cook, runner-up David Archuleta,
還有jabba, chris brown, step up 2成員以及其他各路跳舞好手組成的ACDC的表演.

Miley Cyrus
Jonas Brothers
High School Musical


先說Miley跟Jo Bros, 到也不是說他們完全沒才藝, 可是, 也沒有多有才藝啊...歌沒有太好聽, 而且長得實在是很醜.
我實在是很佩服Disney的marketing & image management,
總是可以很成功的把不怎樣的小鬼捧紅, 變成一種社會現象.
像是之前的Hillary Duff...(演Lizzy MacQuire紅的, 就像Miley演Hannah Montana一樣).
Hillary Duff現在除了出席events or parties被狗仔拍, 偶爾拍個電影外, 好像也沒在幹嘛.
Teen Queen的地位似乎已被Miley奪去.
像她們這種很年輕即嚐到走紅滋味, 賺進大把鈔票的年輕歌星, 
好萊塢少了這幾個人, 又有甚麼差別嗎?
他們能夠在處處是誘惑的好萊塢潔身自愛然後安然長大, move on to the next phase嗎?
I dunno.
誰知道他們會不會是下一個Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears?!

不過, 還好Disney至少成功的捧紅了Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera. 
這兩個人都是非常talented, 不斷在自我成長進步的,
we should applause them!!!
As for Britney, 她如果沒發神經, 或許也算是成功的, 畢竟當年她跳舞是跳得很不錯的.

至於High School Musical, 因為我沒看, 也沒興趣看, 所以不適合說甚麼. 不過至少主角長得都還算賞心悅目.

Teen Choice Awards.

我最期待的其實是ACDC的表演 以及他們跟M&M Cru的Dance Battle.

Miley Cyrus和她的好友Mandy sth在YouTube有個秀, 內容其實就是他們的生活而一些random的表演. 那在Teen Choice Awards之前, ACDC挾著Step Up 2及Jabba的popularity跟名氣, 也經由YouTube號召各方舞蹈好手跟Miley&Mandy喊話, 說要進行the biggest online dance battle.
而在Teen Choice Awards之前兩方就各自拍他們的尬舞宣傳片, 直到Teen Choice Awards當天進行比賽.


M&M Cru的回應:

所謂的ACDC, 是the Adam/Chu Dance Cru的縮寫, 仿照MTV台 America's Best Dance Crew-ABDC的名字而來.
喜愛跳舞, 看過Step Up 2的人一定不會忘記裡面的Moose (長相, 跳舞很MJ-Michael Jackson的那個).
他本名Adam, 而Step Up 2的導演Jon Chu (朱...也是我們學校cinema畢業的喔!), 
ACDC裡面的好手多到不行, 也屌到一個不行.
除了各方舞林高手和原本Step Up 2裡面的choreographer-Dave Scott, 及裡面的演員外,
Jabba也是ACDC的成員--看過MTV's ABDC的人就一定知道jabba, 我超愛也超厲害的團隊, 他們是ABDC的winner, 目前沒有一個團隊比他們更有特色, 有創意又舞技高超. Step Up 2裡他們也出現幾個鏡頭.
另外, 很多celebrities也來參一腳. 例如Adam Sandler, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Snow, Amanda Byres,Chris Brown等.

M&M Cru-Miley & Mandy的團隊也號召了一群跳舞好手跟Carson Daly, Ryan Secreast等和ACDC尬舞.

說老實話, Miley & Mandy有點混, 其實根本看不到他們有跳甚麼, 難的動作都是別人在跳, 她們鏡頭根本沒帶到幾個.

最後誰贏由現場觀眾的尖叫拍手聲決定. 分貝愈高的就贏了.


M&M of course!!! stupid teens, screamed like hell...-__-

personally, i think ACDC totally smoked M&M!
這場比賽只是再次證明了miley popular的程度, 失去了所謂的"比賽"的真正意義...

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CW-   Gossip Girl                                                                   8:00PM-9:00PM          9/01
FOX-  Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles          8:00PM-9:00PM          9/22

FOX-  Prison Break                                                               9:00PM-10:00PM       9/01
           (08/25 2hr premiere, starting at 8pm) ???

NBC-  Heroes                                                                         9:00PM-10:00PM       9/22


CW-   90210                                                                            8:00PM-9:00PM         9/02
           Spinoff of the very popular 80's series Beverly Hills, 90210
FOX-  House                                                                            8:00PM-9:00PM         8/19 ???
CW-   Previleged                                                                    9:00PM-10:00PM       9/09
FOX-  Fringe                                                                            9:00PM-10:00PM       9/09
(08/26 2hr premiere, starting at 9pm) ???
A&E- The Cleaner                                                                 10:00PM-11:00PM     7/15


ABC- Pushing Daisies                                                          8:00PM-9:00PM         ???
CW-   America's Next Top Model                                       8:00PM-9:00PM        
NBC- Knight Rider                                                                 8:00PM-9:00PM         9/24
ABC- Private Practice                                                          9:00PM-10:00PM      10/01 
CW-  Stylista                                                                           9:00PM-10:00PM      
ABC- Dirty Sexy Money                                                        10:00PM-11:00PM    10/01 
NBC- Lipstick Jungle                                                            10:00PM-11:00PM     9/24


ABC- Grey's Anatomy                                                            9:00PM-10:00PM        ???
MTV- America's Best Dance Crew                                  10:00PM-11:00PM


CBS- The Ex List                                                                     9:00PM-10:00PM      10/03




ABC- Desperate Housewives                                               9:00PM-10:00PM      ???

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just heard this song...it's pretty interesting...the lyrics (totally a girl fantasy...but kinda pathetic 2...ha...)and the original SATC theme song in the background....

check it out: (too bad, the official mv hasnt come out yet...)

here's the lyrics:

Fergie "Labels or Love" Lyrics

Shopping for labels.. shopping for love
Manolo and Louis.. it’s all I’m thinking of
Shopping for labels.. shopping for love
Manolo and Louis.. it’s all I’m thinking of

Already know what my addiction is
I be looking for labels.. I ain’t looking for love
I shop for purses while I walks out the door
Don’t cry.. buy a bag and get over it
And.. I’m not concerned with all the politics
It’s a lot of men I know I could find another

and I know that I’m always happy when I walk out the store.. store
I’m guess I'm Supercalifragisexy [she stole that from prince!].. nothing to be playing with
I love him.. hate him.. kiss him.. diss him try to walk a mile in my kicks

Love’s like a runway but which one do I love more
No emotional baggage.. just be festive with Dior
Love’s like a runway so what’s all the fussing for
Let's stop chasing those boys and shop some more

1,2 1,2,3 turn the lights on

I know I might come off as negative
I be looking for labels.. I ain’t looking for love
But relationships are often so hard to take
and Prada dresses never broke my heart before
And.. ballin's something that my feet are with
I'ma do the damn thing, watch me do the damn thing.
Cuz I know that my credit card will help me put out the flames

I’m guessing Supercalifragi-sexy.. nothing to be playing with
I love him.. hate him.. kiss him.. just I’m trying to walk a mile in my kicks


Gucci.. Fendi.. Prada purses.. purchasing them finer things
Men they come a dime a dozen.. just give me them diamond rings
I’m into a lot of bling.. Cadillac Chanel and Coach
Fellas boast but they can’t really handle my female approach
Buying things that's hard to say
Rocking Christian or Leger.. Manolo or Polo taking photos in my Cartier
So we can’t go all the way.. I know you might hate it but
I’m a shop for labels while them ladies lay and wait for love


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Went to see 'Blood Diamond' two days ago,
i knew it would be a good one..cuz critics have all been giving it positive feedback...
but i was still surprised by how great Leonardo DiCaprio's performance was!
honestly, i think this is his best performance ever.
yeah, 'the departed' was good enough, but this one, he totally exploited his potential n brought it into full play.

if u like DiCaprio, u should definitely check it out. n if u dont esp. like him, u'll fall in luv w him in this one.

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