
"Gossip Girl 花邊教主" 一直是許多愛時尚的女生們的最愛影集之一,

雖然從第三季開始劇情愈來愈不好看, 這一兩季更是太扯, 喪失了不少觀眾, 

但劇中人物的穿著仍是時尚指標, 是大家爭相討論模仿的對象.

現在最後一季, 第六季, 即將開播, 


也希望這季不要讓大家失望, 讓影集能ends on a good note :)

(還有, Gossip Girl到底是誰呢? 她這季會不會現身呢?!)

gossip girl style



我替大家收集了目前Gossip Girl第六季的最新預告片,

讓大家能瞭解片中的話, 也順便學點英文 :)



預告片 1:

Serena: Can't you see there is a party going on and you are not invited?!


Chuck: Crashing parties is one of my favorite past times.


            (crash a party指沒有受到邀請而擅自參加派對, 而這樣的人我們可以稱為 party crasher. 同樣也可用在沒有受到邀請而闖入人家婚禮的人, 稱為 wedding crasher. 之前Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson主演的一部電影就名為 "Wedding Crashers".)

Georgina: No holding back, everyone gets exposed.

               沒有任何保留, 每個人都會曝光. (意即大家的dirty laundry- 也就是不可見人的秘密, 都會被攤在陽光下.)


         再. 一. 次.

Dan: You chose Chuck over me.


Serena: I want a fresh start.


Georgina: A full-on slut spiral.

               (full-on 為語助詞, 有強烈, 完全的意味. "slut spiral" 裡的 "slut"意指到處睡, 到處與人上床的女生, 有妓女的意味. 而spiral 原意為螺旋, 盤旋的, 也有"不斷增加"的意思. 因此slut spiral則指一個女生經歷分手或是不幸事件後自我放棄, 發生了一連串不好的事件, 開始一連串降低自己標準不斷與新的對象上床, 而且一個比一個糟 的情況. 我想, Georgina這邊指的是Serena繼第五季結尾自我放棄開始吸毒後向下沈淪的情況...) 

Dan: I can't argue with you there.

        關於這點, 我無法與你爭辯. (意即同意對方所言.)

(SLAPPING! Tons of slapping, lol....無數的巴掌! slap即為賞巴掌的意思.)

Dan: Ok, ouwww.

        喔, 懊! (慘叫聲)

Blair: What is wrong with you?!


The New Guy: Sabrina.

                      (很明顯的, Serena用了假名Sabrina, 而她的未婚夫顯然不知道她的真名, 因此稱她Sabrina.)

Blair: S-abrina...


The New Guy: You didnt tell me you invited friends...


Blair: That- is- sooo Sabrina.


Chuck: This is a wedding.


The New Guy: Let's all raise a glass.


Blair: You cannot marry her!


Georgina: And I'm the weird one?

               還說我是奇怪/有問題的那個? (意即, 我才不怪呢!)


註: Gossip Girl 一向很會製造爭議, 從以前的一系列預告片都以 OMG (Oh My God) 為主軸, 

     從最早的 OMG, 到 OMFG (Oh My Fucking God, 也帶動了這個新詞, F-- 在這邊是強調的語助詞), OMD (Oh Mon Dieu, 法文的Oh My God) 

     到這季的OMSG - One More Season of GossipGirl.

     是不是很有創意, 很有趣呢?!

     大家看以後預告片的時候也可以多注意這些用詞, 其實他們往往都是整個影片的重點和精髓呢!!!

     順便在這附上Gossip Girl 一系列經典的預告片, 讓大家一次看個夠吧!

     Season 1


     Season 2


     Season 3


     Season 4


     Season 5



預告片 2


Narration (旁白): 5 years ago, the CW's Gossip Girl didn't just change the television landscape.

Chuck: Things were getting a little dull around here... 

           (dull= 無聊)


Narration (旁白): It gave it a whole new attitude.

Blair: I'm the crazy bitch around here.

Narration (旁白): And after a season this mind-blowing... 

                         (mind-blowing= 讓人震撼, 震驚, 興奮的) 

Blair: I made a vow to marry Louis and that's what I'm gonna do.  


Chuck: Then get out of here with me right now!

Narration (旁白): And this scandalous... 

                         (scandalous, 是"scandal=醜聞"的形容詞)

Dianna: Nice to meet you by the way and umm...

Nate: Nate.

Narration (旁白): This provocative.

                          (provocative= 挑撥的, 煽情的)

Serena: Can you unzip my dress?

             (zip=拉鍊, unzip=解開拉鍊)

Narration (旁白): and chess-playing...

                          (play chess= 下棋, 可引申為攻心計)

Chuck: He's alive!

Narration (旁白): over-the-top insane...

                          (over-the-top 指超越, 非同於尋常地, 非常地; insane=瘋狂)

Nate: OMG!

Narration (旁白): Everyone wants to know...

Serena: I wanna take gossip girl down for good.

             (take down= 打倒, 扳倒)

Narration (旁白): Where will it go from here?

Chuck: I, built this empire!


Blair: You fought for me all year, I come to fight for you.

Narration (旁白): Monday, October 8th...

Dan: I dont know who you are anymore.

Narration(旁白): Be there for Gossip Girl's final season...

Blair: Cheers.


Narration(旁白): And see...

The New Guy: Let's all raise a glass.

                      (raise a glass=舉杯慶祝)

Chuck: This is a wedding.

Narration (旁白): how the gossip ends.

Blair: I'm all in.

         (all-in是打撲克牌時用的名詞, "全梭了", 意為下了全部賭注)

Chuck: And my bets are on us.

           (bet=賭注, 這裡意為Chuck將賭注放在兩人的關係上)


預告片 3:

這個完全沒講話, 大家就自己看影片猜劇情啦, 呵


最後附上Gossip Girl第六季的一些最新穿搭照! :)

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除了跟上最新娛樂, 時尚消息,

還可以學點英文喔! :)


最後, 還是要請大家記得按讚, 給我鼓勵, 幫我分享出去喔!!! 


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