購買牛仔褲 101
買牛仔褲是一門大學問. 光是褲型, 款式, 刷色就有幾十種. 這裡我們將跟大家介紹最常用的一些詞彙以及選購技巧, 讓你進到牛仔褲專賣店時不至被眼前的千百種牛仔褲給嚇到, 不知從何開始!
大家跟著我一起去好萊塢明星最愛的牛仔褲品牌Paige Denim的本店一起去買牛仔褲吧!
(內容完全是現場拍攝, 就是我真的買東西的過程, 完全沒有劇本或彩排喔. 影片是自己剪的, 很不好意思, 請大家忍耐一下 :P
闖關句型 1 : 噓寒問暖
Sales Lady: Hi, welcome to Paige! How are you? 嗨, 歡迎光臨Paige! 你好嗎?
Jas: Hi, good! 嗨, 很好!
闖關句型 2 : 協助選購款式
Sales Lady: Can I help you find anything? 我能幫你找些什麼嗎?
Jas: Actually, I’m looking for a (pair of) skinny. 事實上, 我正想找一條窄管褲.
Sales Lady: Ok! 好的!
Jas: Which one would you recommend? 你會建議哪一款呢?
Sales Lady: Our colored denim is our most popular (item) right now, so we have all of our bright colors up front…hmmm…and we also have tons of skinnies in blue, we got all of our normal blue washes over here.
我們的彩色牛仔褲是現在最受歡迎的款式, 所以我們把所有的彩色褲都放在店內的最前面. 恩…我們也有很多藍色的窄管褲, 所有正統的藍色刷色款都在這邊.
Jas: What about that one? 那款如何呢?
Sales Lady: Yay! That one is great! Let me see if we have your size. 好啊! 那款很好看! 我看看有沒有適合你的尺寸.
Sales Lady: You should be wearing… 你應該是穿…
Jas: 23… …23號…
Sales Lady: 23. Here you go! 這是23的. 拿這件吧!
Jas: Thank you! 謝謝!
闖關句型 3 : 挑選質料
Jas: What about the burgundy one? 那酒紅色的那件呢?
Sales Lady: Sure! The corduroy? 當然沒問題! 燈芯絨那件嗎?
Sales Lady: Ok…so, we have this wash in corduroy and we also have it in a tencel fabric, which is extremely popular. But I’ll give you this (corduroy) one.
好的…我們這個顏色有燈芯絨材質的, 也有非常受歡迎的天絲綿材質, 但是我會給你這件燈芯絨的試穿.
Jas: So that one is lighter, right? More for the summer? 那件是不是比較輕? 比較適合夏天?
Sales Lady: (They are both really comfortable and soft.) The corduroy is greater for winter and fall, it’s nice, warm and cozy. And this (tencel) one is just …(feel the fabric)…amazing! It’s so soft!
(它們兩種材質都很舒服又很柔軟.) 燈芯絨比較適合秋冬, 它很棒, 暖活又舒服. 而這件(天絲綿的)就…(摸摸這料子)…超讚的! 它超柔軟!
Sales Lady: Let me get these for you. 讓我幫你拿這些褲子.
闖關句型 4 : 續聊款式
Jas: And, do you have any flares? 那你們有喇叭褲嗎?
Sales Lady: Perfect! Our flares are amazing and we have a fit called Lou Lou, and it’s a skinny flare, so it’s gonna be really fit-in through the calf and then flower out.
太好了! 我們的喇叭褲超讚的! 有個款式叫做Lou Lou, 它是瘦長貼腿的喇叭褲, 所以膝蓋以上將會緊貼大腿, 然後到下面再散開.
Sales Lady: And, we have a petite, so it‘ll be perfect for you! 然後, 我們這款有特別做給身材嬌小女性的, 所以這件應該非常適合你!
Sales Lady: Yeah, so this is the petite. So, with your highest heels, it will be perfect! 正是嬌小款, 配上你的高跟鞋, 一定很完美!
Sales Lady: Let me know if you need another size or anything. 如果你需要其他尺寸或協助, 請跟我說.
Jas: Alright, thank you! 好的, 謝謝!
闖關句型 5 : 結帳囉!
Sales Lady: How did we do? 穿得怎樣?
Jas: Great!!! 太棒了!!!
Sales Lady: Oh great, two of our most popular (styles) right now! 喔, 太好了, 這是我們最受歡迎的兩個款式!
Sales Lady: So yeah, the leather is amazing! This one, you are lucky we have your size, this, we only have like two left!
這件皮褲超讚的! 你很幸運我們還有你的尺寸, 這個款式我們只剩大概兩條了!
Jas: Oh really?! They fit me so well, I HAVE to get them! 喔, 真的嗎?! 她們真是太適合我了, 我一定得買!
Sales Lady: The pink sparkle one is fun! 這件粉紅帶亮粉很有趣!
Jas: Do I get any discount? 可以幫我打折嗎?
Sales Lady: Of course! 當然!
Sales Lady: Only for our special people! 只有給我們的貴賓喔!
Sales Lady: 30% off. Your total is $394.33. 給你打七折, 總共是 $394.33.
Jas: Thank you! 喔, 謝謝你!
Sales Lady: May I see your ID, please? 可以讓我看一下你的證件嗎?
Sales Lady: Awesome! 太好了!
Sales Lady: Here you go. 你的信用卡在這.
Sales Lady: I’ll put it in for you. 我替你把收據放在袋裡.
Sales Lady: Enjoy the rest of your day and your new jeans. 好好享受今天還有你的新牛仔褲!
Jas: Thank you! 謝謝!
Sales Lady: Hope we will see you again soon. 希望我們很快會再見到你.
Jas: Definitely. 一定的.
- denim 牛仔布料
- wash 刷色
- burgundy 酒紅色
- fabric 布料
- cozy 舒適的
- calf 小腿
- zippers 拉鍊
- funky 與眾不同的
- give out 喪失彈性, 變鬆了
- seam 褲子的接縫
- bust 爆裂
- tucked away 收藏、使隱藏
最後附上我和團隊與Paige本人合照的照片 :)
希望大家現在比較瞭解牛仔褲的款式和材質, 以後去買牛仔褲, 就不會再傻傻分不清了! 呵...
雖然影片很簡陋, 但是我花了很多心思喔,
希望大家也可以幫忙按讚, 分享出去喔!
princess j's HOLLYWOOD DENIM fashion
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