Blue Sky, Sunshine, White Sand, Ocean- this is California!
i didnt do any retouch on this photo,
cuz the photo itself is perfect already.
while i was stayin' in the office in tw whole day w/o a window to look out to,
i felt suffocated and I had the sudden urge to fly back to LA,
just to breathe the fresh air, feel the cool breeze,
just to lie on the beach and get tanned.
i miss the SUNSHINE!!!
Taiwan, seriously, is NOT a place to live.
w hot weather like this,
i had headaches every single day.
the heat, the crowds u see everywhere u turn, the almost non-existent space between ppl,
i really just need an open space to breathe.
Freedom, that's wut Cali is screaming!
It's about time.
here's the video of Katy Perry's "California Gurls",
i luv the song cuz it's pretty right on n totally speaks my mind.
the video itself is kinda racy n disappointing,
cuz i was expecting a really SoCal video rather than sth that's soooo.....cartoon-ish or fairytale-like?