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*  Teen Choice Awards, ACDC & Miley Cyrus 
Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Expert 購物中心 專家篇 
Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Advanced 購物中心 進階篇

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* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Advanced 購物中心 進階篇


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there's sth about...the word "FOB"....

since i cant sleep..
i'm gonna post sth interesting...
i came across the definition of "fob" on the urbandictionary website...
so, which kind of fob r u?
i guess i'm more like the "fobulous" kind...

First of all...Fob's are immigrants a.k.a. Fresh off the boat. There are many kinds of fobs (i cant really take credit for this becuz i got this off a site. I added some in)

- Besides your nationality, there is little to distinguish you from white people
- Your significant other is not Asian and never has been
- You have few Asian friends, if any
- You are embarrassed at family events because you cannot speak your language and everyone has to switch to English to communicate with you
- You have no idea that the other types of Asians on this list even exist
- You think Hello Kitty is dumb and do not know what Sanrio is
- You are the only Asian on this list that does not know what Bubble Tea is
- You drive a Ford or some other domestic car and if you drive a Honda, it is stock

- You claim yourself as Asian, but real Asians think you're whitewashed and non-Asians see you as a foreigner. You fit in nowhere
- You have heard of Bubble Tea but have never actually had any
- You are confused about your cultural identity and express this frustration through spoken word performances at your college
- You read A. magazine and think it's great
- You do not know who Leon, Aaron, Sammi, Hikki, or Kangta are
- You are only vaguely aware of the other Asians below

Yap (Young Asian Professional)
- You are in one of these professions:
a) Medicine / Pharmaceutical
b) Engineering
c) Finance
d) Investment Banking
e) Accounting
- Most of your wardrobe was purchased at Banana Republic
- You go to "mixers" on Thursday nights to meet other Yaps and talk about the Dow Jones.
- You did exactly what your parents wanted you to do and as a result, your life is hella boring
- Your apartment/home is decorated almost exclusively with stuff from Pier 1
- Your parents always talk to their friends about how much money you make. If they don't, then you're a dissapointment

Fob (Fresh Off tha Boat)
- You were not born in America
- You know who Leon, Aaron, Sammi, Hikki, and Kangta are. In fact, you have seen them at Atlantic City or Las Vegas recently
- You speak your native language fluently and so do all your friends
- You do not have any non-Asian friends
- Your parents do not speak any English
- When you speak English, you like to make everything plural
- You get extremely good grades in school
- You cannot dance
- Your fashion sense comes from whatever country you're from and you incorporate nothing from American fashion into your wardrobe

- Your command of the English language is minimal and you don't care
- You like dim sum chicken feet
- You do not own a single CD, VCD, Video game, or DVD that isn't bootlegged
- Your only hangout is Chinatown
- All the lights in your house are fluorescent
- You dry your cloths outside your window
- You need a haircut
- You either smell like cigarettes or food

- You are an Asian-American or Twinkie who has recently "awoken"
- You have a newly found fetish of Asian girls/boys
- You have taken the Asian Studies course at college
- You are trying to learn as much as possible about your culture to make up for your lifetime of trying to be white (Twinkie ; Banana) or Black (Chigger ; Tea egg)
- If you are lucky, you will grow to become Fobulous

Gangsta Fob (Fobsta)
- You have shot another Asian
- Your favorite hangout is a pool hall
- When you talk, you sound like a cross between a Fob and an urban black kid
- Your hair looks silly, but no one will tell you because you'll shoot them
- You have a serious gambling problem
- You are a Rice-boy, but your mods are cheap and are never painted to match the rest of your car
- No one tells you your rice ride looks cheap because you'll shoot them
- You want to have a Tab girlfriend, but can only get Hoochie Tabs

Tab (Trendy Asian B*tch)
- You shop at A/X, Bebe and Club Monaco
- You only wear black and will occasionally wear white to "mix it up"
- You do not weigh more than 105 lbs
- You have never paid for dinner at a restaurant in your life
- Platform heels are your favorite
- You are a makeup expert, in fact, you appear completely flawless
- You do not smile in public
- You are the object of desire of all Asian men and you know it
- You smoke
- Your cell phone is completely customized
- On the inside flip of your cell phone is a sticker pic of you and your man
- Somewhere in your purse is a Sanrio item
- You only date Asian and will only date a boy with a nice car
- You are often seen with Rice-boys
- You never travel alone. You are either in the company of other Tabs or your Rice-boy boyfriend

Hoochie Tab
- You are an import car model
- Your boobs are not real
- There are naked pictures of you floating around on the internet somewhere
- Stiletto heels are your favorite
- Your role models are Francine Dee and Kaila Yu
- Your boyfriend is a Gangsta Fob
- You cheat on your boyfriend
- Unlike most Asians, you do not do well in school

- You drive an Asian import. Usually a Honda or Acura
- Your souped up car (known as a Rice-ride or Rice-rocket) is unrecognizable from it's original stock form
- Your exhaust pipe is big enough for your head to fit in
- The spoiler on your car looks like it was made by Boeing
- The interior of your car also looks like it was designed by Boeing
- You always drive like you are racing someone
- You are not afraid of dying in a crash, but you are afraid of speed bumps and parking lot on-ramps
- The only other person besides yourself who can sit in your car is your 105 lbs Tab girlfriend. If anyone else sits in your car, the entire bottom of it will be touching the ground
- Even though your car is a Honda, it goes faster and is worth more than a Lotus Esprit
- If you drive a Civic, your dream car is a Supra. If you drive a Supra, your dream car is a Skyline (which you can never have). Poor Rice-boy.

- You speak perfect English and you are fluent in your native language
- You have Asian friends as well as non-Asian friends
- You listen to Asian pop as well as American music
- You are equally aware of both popular American culture and Asian pop culture
- You are a good dancer
- You date Asian by choice even though you could rock the opposite sex of any other race
- You are a good designer and have superior Html skills
- You have an Apt107 page AND an AA page and the guest books in both are packed
- For you, FOB stands for Fabulous Oriental Being
- You have lots of Asian pride


So...wut kind of FOB r u? :-)

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* July 4th Fireworks
* Air-Brush Tanning
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Expert 購物中心 專家篇
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Advanced 購物中心 進階篇
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Basic 購物中心/暢貨中心 基本篇

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* "Crystal Rock" by Christian Audigier
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Others 其他篇
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Shopping Malls, Expert 購物中心 專家篇
* Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯逛街購物指南- Brands 品牌篇

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- the 3G iPhone latest update
- Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯購物指南- Others 其他篇
- Shopping in LA 101 時尚洛杉磯購物指南- Shopping Malls, Expert 購物中心 專家篇

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cuz of family emergency,
i flew back to tw, a last-minute decision.

so, probably wont have any updates on the article about LA shopping till i get back to LA,
which is 6/18.

4 those who r readin the article, 
but do come back every now and then!

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  DAY-SIGN: 2-Water
(Maya: 2-Muluc)
  YEAR: South-7 (Tikal System)
  13-DAY PERIOD: 1-Rabbit
(Maya: 1-Lamat)
  VENUS PHASE: Evening Star 

Introduction - The Astrology of Time

The ancient Maya and Aztec astrologers studied the mysterious influence of the rhythms of the sky on earthly life. Everyone knows the Sun rises and sets every day -- this is the basic rhythm of life around which we set our clocks and calendars. What the ancient astrologers discovered was that other time cycles existed that were multiples of this basic day cycle. This fact was discovered about 100 years ago in Europe and these cycles (there are many of them) are now called biorhythms.

The most important time cycles in ancient Mayan and Aztec astrology are those of the day, 9-days, 13-days, and 20-days. Additionally, years are counted also, in groups of 4 and 13. Each day is then part of several other cycles, so no two days are exactly the same. Your Maya/Aztec horoscope below shows exactly where in each of the cycles you were born. Each category below examines a specific cycle and a specific aspect of your personality. Keep in mind that our personalities are complex and contain many contradictions. All of us present a different "face" depending on who we meet. The delineations below will reflect this, but they will also give you a clear picture of who you really are. The true value of astrology lies in self-knowledge, the first step to wisdom.

Your Most Personal Traits -- The Day-Sign of Your Birth

Here are your strongest and most obvious personality traits. The delineation below describes who you are and how you appear to others, at least on the surface. In Aztec astrology this part of is your horoscope is your Tonalli, or Day-Sign, the form bestowed upon you by the Sun.

WaterWater: You have very strong emotions and feelings that are easily aroused. Sometimes these feelings are so deep and so intense that they can take over your personality. You have very strong territorial drives that often operate openly with little conscious resistance. At your worst you may display compulsive and addictive behaviors, including abuse of power, sexual obsessions, drinking, and use of drugs. On the positive level these emotional drives cam lead you into deep commitments and persistence in achieving goals. Whichever way your emotions lead you probably has much to do with your early childhood experiences.

It is very possible that you have psychic abilities, or have an interest in psychic phenomena. Undoubtedly this is something that stems from your unusually strong feelings and reactions to things. Many Water personalities become artists who produce sounds and colors from their souls, not superficial illustrators or imitators. Even if you are not an artist you probably have a vision that you will attempt to realize during the course of your life. Whether psychic, artist or visionary, you are driven by forces that most people have no idea even exist.

You also have a need for recognition that is both a blessing and a curse. If circumstances allow you to exercise this part of your nature legitimately, as a performer or artist, then you are probably very successful. If circumstances work against you, then you could drift into an unrealistic or even potentially dangerous life-style.

You have an uncompromising quality that pushes you toward great success in career matters. You are an extremist and do nothing halfway, yet this is often what it takes to be at the top of a profession. You have a strong, independent mind and are capable, and very willing, to solve your problems by yourself. Although you may have some initial problems handling responsibility, control over your powerful feelings will bring out the leader in you.

You are likely to receive recognition for your accomplishments, whether these be positive or destructive. As you struggle to control, or at least monitor, the nearly uncontrollable urges surging within, you will undoubtedly achieve much. The important thing is that you channel your energies into constructive and productive area.

Your Deeper Self -- The 13-Day Week of Your Birth

Each of us reacts to the world around us in different ways. Our reactions are mostly unconscious; they represent what our deeper self needs. Our reactions both attract and repel us from things, people, and situations. What we like, what we like to do, and who we really are is shown by the 13-day week called the Trecena that we were born under. Each of these periods begins with the number 1 and the name of the day-sign that starts it. A number is attached to your position within the 13-day period that may be an important number for you.

This is the second day of the 13-day period beginning with 1-Rabbit. Beneath your surface personality you are a competitor and fighter. This may not always be apparent to others -- until they get to know you well. You secretly love a confrontation and will take risks in life to create them. You are clever and forceful, but you do have serious emotional weaknesses that you must overcome before you can achieve the success you seek in life. You prefer a life of excitement rather than one of routine. If you can meet your competitive and active needs in a non-destructive way, and you probably can, you will find happiness.

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last thu waz full of surprises.
first, my boss handed me an invite to a jewlery party,
n later i got a pair of shoes, a free eye liner, n some other small stuff...

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照片請參閱右邊的photo album.

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my lovely dearly parents just got on the plane back to taipei,
and i miss them already.
maybe bicuz im older,
ive started to really appreciate wut my parents n grandparents did 4 me.
i cherish the possession of a family, not to mention the fact that it is a great one!
it is just so true that no one will ever luv u like ur parents do!!!
im grateful 4 wut my parents did 4 me,
all i can say is...the older i am, the more i acknowledge how much my parents luv me.
they spoil me, not financially speaking, but in a more "we-r-willing-to-do-anything-4-u"-kind of way.
they just "did" things,
they didnt have to speak a word yet i could just be overwhelmed by how much they luv me.
i can never express how grateful i am n how much i appreciate having such a family,
i really just cant, cuz the gratitude is beyond words.
all i can say...n all i know is...
my family will never abandon me n theyll always be there 4 me no matter wut.
even if the sky falls down, i know i still have someone to hold on to, to lean on to.
i have the greatest family, greatest parents n grandparents in the world!
i can never ask 4 more.
gimme a world, i still wont trade my family w anyone.
if theres a next life (and all the other lifes after that),
and if i have the previlege to choose,
i will still want the exact same family n nothing will ever ever change that.
if there is a god,
thank u 4 giving me such a nice family,
they may not be perfect n they may not be the richest,
but they r mine,
they r the best to me.
i will always luv them w all my heart.
Thank u, daddy n mommy, 外公 n 外婆,
for luvin' me unconditionally n always being there 4 me.
thank u for everything that u've ever done.
i luv u guys!!!
and hopefully,
that someday,
when im a parent myself,
i will be as great as u r!
p.s. 媽咪 n 爹地, 謝謝你們大老遠飛來陪我, 照顧我,
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!

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