
my lovely dearly parents just got on the plane back to taipei,
and i miss them already.
maybe bicuz im older,
ive started to really appreciate wut my parents n grandparents did 4 me.
i cherish the possession of a family, not to mention the fact that it is a great one!
it is just so true that no one will ever luv u like ur parents do!!!
im grateful 4 wut my parents did 4 me,
all i can say is...the older i am, the more i acknowledge how much my parents luv me.
they spoil me, not financially speaking, but in a more "we-r-willing-to-do-anything-4-u"-kind of way.
they just "did" things,
they didnt have to speak a word yet i could just be overwhelmed by how much they luv me.
i can never express how grateful i am n how much i appreciate having such a family,
i really just cant, cuz the gratitude is beyond words.
all i can say...n all i know is...
my family will never abandon me n theyll always be there 4 me no matter wut.
even if the sky falls down, i know i still have someone to hold on to, to lean on to.
i have the greatest family, greatest parents n grandparents in the world!
i can never ask 4 more.
gimme a world, i still wont trade my family w anyone.
if theres a next life (and all the other lifes after that),
and if i have the previlege to choose,
i will still want the exact same family n nothing will ever ever change that.
if there is a god,
thank u 4 giving me such a nice family,
they may not be perfect n they may not be the richest,
but they r mine,
they r the best to me.
i will always luv them w all my heart.
Thank u, daddy n mommy, 外公 n 外婆,
for luvin' me unconditionally n always being there 4 me.
thank u for everything that u've ever done.
i luv u guys!!!
and hopefully,
that someday,
when im a parent myself,
i will be as great as u r!
p.s. 媽咪 n 爹地, 謝謝你們大老遠飛來陪我, 照顧我,
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!

    創作者 Jas 的頭像

    J's LA LA Land- 加州女孩J的LA時尚生活-加州洛杉磯生活旅遊, 美式時尚穿搭,美國頂級精品牛仔褲

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