
well, i think im a very versatile person when it comes to style.
most of the time, i go 4 the casual sexy AF style...
n sometimes, im a hip-hop girl, with cap, accessories n stuff..
sometimes, im a forever-21 girl...
n once in a while, i'd dress formally in skirts, shirts, or black pants.

honestly, i hate dressing formally, i just aint the type.
i mean, i can pull it off, i just hate to dress that way though.
i hate the idea of wearing suits...
i mean, w/o the suits,
putting on matching skirts, pants, designed shirts, n belts, u can still look professional, yet fashionable!

anywayz, to me,
dressin' is all 'bout mix-n-match.
that was the fun!

i guess, be creative is the key. luvin my new customized hat, w my name Jas on it!
hip-hop funky?
why not?! :-)

    創作者 Jas 的頭像

    J's LA LA Land- 加州女孩J的LA時尚生活-加州洛杉磯生活旅遊, 美式時尚穿搭,美國頂級精品牛仔褲

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