
Ok, last thur n fri were my first days at the fashion industry.
fashion industry is fun but crazy.
itz super fun to be surrounded by clothes, accessories n stuff...
itz super fun to be readin fashion magazines or testin beauty products as one of ur jobs...
itz super fun to be designin flyers n posters 4 the company...
itz super fun to be doin wut u like to do.
itz a privilege.

itz NO FUN to be the only non-White, non-American girl in the office.
itz NO FUN to be answerin' tons of phone calls n takin messages that i have no clue at all.
my boss n coworkers r all very nice n they r so kind to tell me that
my English is so good that i dont really have an accent.

honestly, answerin the phone n socializin w all whites turned out to be not as easy as i thought it'd be...
my english waznt as good as i thought.

itz a whole new experience 4 me,
fun, but challengin as well.

im just gonna hang in there n see wut will happen.

hopefully, next week,
i have sth more interestin to do n will really able to get in touch w wut really happens in the industry.

But 4 now...
im just gonna chill.
itz been a hectic wk n i definitely need a good rest.

so wut happens next?i'm gonna make good use of my "stubbornness n perfectionism," n hopefully become as successful as Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada"...but i'll be wearing AF..or Dior...ha!

    創作者 Jas 的頭像

    J's LA LA Land- 加州女孩J的LA時尚生活-加州洛杉磯生活旅遊, 美式時尚穿搭,美國頂級精品牛仔褲

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