[J's Beauty Picks ] Sephora Shopping List & Hacks 美國Sephora年度折扣購物清單及密技
Sephora 全年最多折扣日 20% OFF EVERYTHING
雖然Black Friday還沒開始, Sephora倒是搶先開始了全年最多的限時折扣!!!
Sephora 對於女人來說應該既是天堂也是可怕的地方. 除了永無止盡的美妝美髮身體用品外, 眾多可以拿的試用小包跟各式各樣的超值禮品組合包裝都讓我每次逛Sephora逛到天荒地老, 然後大開殺戒、皮夾流淚地出來. 也因為這樣, 我成了Sephora忠實大客戶, 拿到了 VIB Rouge的超級VIP等級會員.
而今年Sephora年度最大的折扣- 所有商品全數八折, 就在現在! 身為VIB Rouge, 我有early access, 也就是可以比大家先行選購, 時間在 11/4- 11/7 (折扣代碼20ROUGE).
對於次一個等級的VIP, 也就是VIB, 則在 11/11- 11/14, 折扣代碼20VIB.
若你跟我一樣是個beauty junkie, 現在絕對是一年中最好採購所有美妝美髮身體用品的最佳時機!
Sephora 千萬種商品跟超值組合, 到底有哪些是必買或推薦的呢?
我特別為大家整理出一張必買採購清單, 還有一些Sephora採購密技, 讓大家不用眼花、花冤枉錢試驗也可以買到超值又必備的Sephora商品喔!
以下就是我辛苦整理的 “Sephora 終極採購名單跟密技”!!!
哪裡買: http://www.sephora.com
由於內容有點多, 因此我會分成幾篇介紹, 現在先讓我們從工具篇開始吧!
Must-Haves 必買清單
工具、眼、唇、遮瑕類 (最左邊一行)
- Sephora Collection Dry Clean Instant Dry Brush Cleaner Spray 立乾刷具乾洗噴霧, $14: 這個刷具乾洗噴霧是我花在美妝用品上最值得的一筆消費之一, 我可以完全為這瓶噴霧擔保! 不論你用怎樣的刷具, 只要輕輕朝刷具一噴, 然後在衛生紙上輕輕畫上一畫, 這瓶帶有杏仁味的噴霧馬上幫助你將刷子清得乾乾淨淨並保持清香. 對於像我一樣懶或是討厭花很多時間清理刷具的懶人來說, 只要這一瓶就可以清洗所有的刷具, 這個東西的發明實在是太完美了!
- Sephora Collection Glitter Happy Brush Set 閃亮玫瑰金刷具組, $85: 玫瑰金的東西總是看起來比較美! 原價$225美金的刷具組 (包含一個刷台和6支刷具- 腮紅刷、粉底刷、眼摺刷、遮瑕刷、眼影刷和唇刷), 現在只賣 $85, 有什麼理由不買嗎?! ;)
- BeautyBlender Two.BB.Clean, $40: BeautyBlender的發明從此改變了女人們的生活. 千萬不要小看這個蛋形的海綿, 它讓上粉底變成一件超簡單的事情. 有了它, 你可以無暇完美的上任何的粉底, 效果絕對比任何粉底刷甚至你的手指還好. 再也不會有粉底塗不均勻的窘況產生. (你也可以用白色的來上保濕或是其他保養乳液, 用黑色或是同樣粉紅色的來上遮瑕、修容或是打光. 之後我會再找機會跟大家詳細介紹BeautyBlender的使用法.) 這個組合也附上一瓶清洗液, 所以你不需要煩惱上妝後將你的bb弄髒清洗不掉! (固體的清潔皂其實我個人覺得效果比液體的清潔油還更好用, 大家也可以試試看, 旅行攜帶也比較方便!)
- Wander Beauty On-The-Glow Bronzer & Illuminator 修容棒, $45: Wander Beauty是我最近才接觸到的品牌, 擁有著精緻、高級的包裝和抱著為現今忙碌多工女性服務的精神, 不只這支集古銅仿曬修容和高光修容於一身的修容棒和它家其他的產品都是打著方便、多工多功為主要訴求特色. 只要這一支就可以迅速完成所有的修容動作, 還需要我多說嗎?!
- Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte Shine Oil-In-Stick Lipstick 情挑誘光水唇膏, $37: YSL的美妝產品向來都是美到、奢華到不像話, 而且聞起來超香! 自從推出這隻口紅後, 我一直是它的愛用者, 至今已經用到第三條了, 47號的 Beige Blouse 還是我包包裡隨身不可或缺的必備品. 它不但讓你看起來天生就這般美麗、聞起來香,還超級保濕,讓你的美唇永遠那樣濕潤可口!
- Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer 妝點甜心遮瑕蜜, $29: Nars的妝點甜心遮瑕蜜自從問世以來即獲得無數美妝狂和編輯的心, 歷年來也得過無數美妝大獎, 成為Nars最受歡迎的產品之一. 它的智慧光感散射科技幫助隱藏你膚色上所有的不完美, 讓你看起來神清氣爽、打字內部散發出的光彩照人. 還需要更多解釋嗎?!
- Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara 防水睫毛膏, $23: 這支睫毛膏的前身 Better Than Sex 深獲大眾的喜愛也因此得到超多好的評論, 而成為 Too Faced 最經典的產品之一. 現在, 它們更進一步加入防水的成分, 讓這支原本就已經很強大的睫毛膏更加厲害!它不但讓你增加睫毛量/濃度和捲度,更可以維持一整天! (更何況, 誰不喜歡 "Better Than Sex"這個名字對嗎? 當有一個產品敢命名為 Better Than Sex的時候, 它想必一定很讚, 對吧?! 哈!)
- Josie Maran Bear Naked Wipes 潔顏巾, $12: 我一直不知道Josie Maran的產品有多麼好,直到有一天有位在Sephora的美妝師在幫我免費化妝時用在我身上, 我才驚為天人. 這個超級自然清香的卸妝紙巾不僅聞起來超舒服、柔軟,它的功效也超級強大,只要在臉上輕輕掃過兩三次,馬上把妝卸得乾乾淨淨,讓你的臉瞬間清爽舒適! 像Josie Maran這個牌子所有的產品一樣, 它們都是天然的, 不採用香精、不含對羥基苯甲酸 (一般常被當成產品保存防腐劑使用)及石油化學品. 此外, 它還可生物分解,所以你不用替地球擔心!這超級舒服柔軟、讓你想到熊寶貝的卸妝紙巾絕對是我用過最好的!
- Marc Jacobs Beauty Fineliner Ultra-Skinny Gel Eye Crayon Eyeliner 眼線蠟筆, $24 ; Kat Von D Tattoo Liner 眼線液筆, $20: 對於像我這樣依賴眼線但是卻手殘的人來說, 我對於挑眼線筆這件事是再挑惕不過了! 加上有著容易出油、讓妝瞬間花掉的綜合性肌膚, 我試過無數種、無數品牌的眼線產品, 就在我差不多放棄找到適合我的眼線筆的時候, Sephora送了這兩隻眼線筆的試用品給我. 我可說是一試成主顧,從此改變了我的眼線人生, 也再也沒用過其他家的眼線筆! Kat Von D 的這支眼線筆算是我的救星, 它不但超容易上手、筆觸細緻,讓我這種手殘的人也能輕易畫出完美眼線外, (基本上你不太可能搞砸!) 它還能持續一整天也不掉漆花掉、糊掉! 若你想要更戲劇化一點的效果, 只要多畫上幾層或是再加上Marc Jacobs這支蠟筆型的眼線筆即可達到你要的效果. 所以平日我都是看我想要多重的眼妝來決定要下手多重, 要兩支都用或是只要Kat Von D那支即可. 基本上, 這兩支可以互相搭配使用, 我超推! 它們是我完美眼妝的秘密武器!
- Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow Volumizing Fiber Gel 豐眉膏, $24: 我一直以來都算是濃眉的, 因此除了定期修眉外, 我其實不太需要為我的眉毛多做什麼. 直到有一天在Benefit 的 Brow Bar 的人幫我蜜蠟修眉完之後用了這支輕輕幫我刷了一刷讓眉型更有型, 我才發現有這麼方便耗用卻又能替眉毛加分的東西! 對於我這種懶人來說, 這樣的簡單不需用腦的產品實在太讚了!
- Maison Margiela Replica Discover Set 香水體驗組, $65: 其實我一直不是個會擦香水的人, 也一直對香水沒有太大興趣. 除非是某些特殊場合我才會想起來噴一下. 但自從有一次在Sephora閒逛聞到這瓶名為"Beach Walk (海灘漫步)"的香水後, 我才改變心意. 它清香的味道真的讓人聯想起在海邊漫步的感覺, 海風輕輕吹拂的意象頓時進入我腦海也讓我這個愛海的人從此愛上這瓶香水, 也因此買了這一組可以隨身攜帶的小瓶組. 另外兩個味道Lazy Sunday Morning (懶散的週日早晨), Tea Escape (品茶遠離塵世) 也都有著味如其名、難以形容的特殊味道! 你們只要聞了就知道我在說什麼了!
- Tatcha Kyoto Cleanse 京都清潔組, $24: 近來日本和韓國美妝保養品都在美國掀起一陣風潮, 而來自日本的Tatcha 更是其中最出名、最多人討論的品牌之一. 自日本藝妓保養得到靈感而研發出的"Polished Classic Rice Enzyme Powder" (米酵素粉) 和 "Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil" (茶花清潔油)都是它家的明星產品. 藉著這次的特惠組合剛好可以試試看它的神奇效果! (我試了再跟大家報告!)
今天就先介紹到這裡, 明天請繼續期待第二集的化妝品組合篇喔! (就是圖片中間那行!)
如果大家喜歡我今天寫的, 別忘了上我的Facebook粉絲頁給我按個讚或是留言讓我知道喔!!! (也歡迎大家一起來分享你們的採購/慾望清單!)
Even though Black Friday is still a couple more weeks away, Sephora has gone far and beyond to start the biggest sale of the year early- 20% off EVERYTHING.
For women, Sephora can be a beauty heaven but also somewhere you are afraid to walk in, cuz you know the moment you step in (or start the online shopping), there is absolutely no way you are able to come out empty-handed. With endless beauty/hair/body products and all kinds of samples and super buying-worthy gift sets, it’s hard not to spend a couple of hundreds whether you know what to look for or not and I’m pretty sure your wallet would hate you for it!
The biggest sale of the year is now available for VIB ROUGE members. As a VIB rouge, you can early access to the sale. From 11/04 to 11/07, just enter the code “20ROUGE” at the checkout, you’ll get 20% off everything. As for VIB members, wait till 11/11 to start your shopping spree. (Enter “20VIB” at the checkout for the same 20% off deal.)
If you are a beauty junkie like me, this is the best time to purchase everything you need (or dont need >_<) for your precious face, body and hair.
However, with thousands and thousands of beauty products and gift sets, it’s easy to get lost and not knowing what to get exactly. No worries, I’m here to help you.
I’ve created a must-have shopping list along with some shopping hacks to help you get the best deals and products at Sephora on this super sale day.
Now, let's check out my "Ultimate Sephora Shopping Guide & Hacks"!!!
#Sephora #BiggestSaleOfTheYear #20OFFEverything
Since there's a lot to be covered, so let's just start with the ones on the very left column ;)
Tools, Eye, Lip, Concealer
- Sephora Collection Dry Clean Instant Dry Brush Cleaner Spray, $14: I swear by this product and this is no doubt one of the best beauty purchases I've ever made, no kidding! Whatever brush you use, just spray this on and brush it across a tissue, the amazing almond-scented spray helps you instantly clear all the excessive powder or dirty on your brushes and keep them refreshed, cleaned with a nice scent. One bottle that cleans all, perfect for all you lazy ladies out there!
- Sephora Collection Glitter Happy Brush Set, $85: Things always look better when they are in ROSE GOLD! A stand and 6 brushes are included (Blush, Powder, Crease, Precision Concealer, Allover Shadow & Lip). Spending $85 for a set of $225-worth brushes, why not?!
- BeautyBlender Two.BB.Clean, $40: BeautyBlender has forever changed our lives the day it was invented. Do not overlook this egg-shaped sponge, it literally makes applying foundation a no-brainer. With it, you can now apply any kind of foundation flawlessly. It works better than any of your brushes and even your fingers. No more creases or embarrassing cakey makeup. (You can also use the white ones to apply moisturizer or any kind of skincare and use the black ones or this pink ones to apply concealer, contour or highlight too. I'll write more about how to use the beauty blender in future posts.) This set also comes with an oil cleaner for your beloved beauty blender, so you dont need to worry about getting your bb dirty! (The solid cleaner soap also works wonder. To be honest, I personally think it works even better than the original oil and is also better for on-the-road!)
- Wander Beauty On-The-Glow Bronzer & Illuminator, $45: Wander Beauty is a new brand I've just recently got in contact with. With its exquisite, premium packaging and the mission of serving multi-tasking women nowadays, the stick itself is also a multitasker. By having one end has the bronzer and the other as the highlighter, busy women nowadays can just have this one stick to finish all the contouring they need in an instant. How awesome is that!
- Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte Shine Oil-In-Stick Lipstick, $37: YSL beauty products have always been one of my biggest obsessions with its over-the-top luxurious packaging and insanely amazing signature scent. It's like, once you go YSL, you can never come back ;) This lipstick has been my faves ever since it came out and I'm on my 3rd tube already. No. 47 Beige Blouse is my go-to and I always have one with me at all times. It doesnt just make you look naturally good and smell great, it's also extremely moisturizing, keeping you hydrated all the time.
- Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer, $29: It's no secret that this concealer of Nars is one of the best ones in the market and has won the hearts of all beauty junkies & editors alike. Its light-diffusing technology helps hide all of your imperfections while keeping you looking refreshed and natural with an inner glow (hence the name "radiant".) Need i say more?
- Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara, $23: Its predecessor, Better Than Sex Mascara, has got so many rave reviews that it has become one of Too Faced's cult products. Too Faced has now thrown waterproof into the mix and launched this even more powerful version of the original. It volumizes, curls and stays on all day. (And who doesn't love the name "Better than Sex"? What can be better than that, right?! ;) )
- Josie Maran Bear Naked Wipes, $12: I had no idea of how good Josie Maran's products are until a Sephora staff used this on me during a free makeover session there. This fresh-scented wipe doesn't just smell good, it also works like magic and remove most of the makeup on my face in just a couple of swipes. Not to mention the fact that it is super soft! Like all Josie Maran products, it is natural, free of fragrance, parabens, and petrochemicals. It is biodegradable and feels like heaven when you put it on your face. This is definitely the best makeup wipes I've ever used!
- Marc Jacobs Beauty Fineliner Ultra-Skinny Gel Eye Crayon Eyeliner, $24 ; Kat Von D Tattoo Liner, $20: For someone who relies heavily on eyeliners but is undexterous framing her own eyes or pulling a cat eye, I'm super picky when it comes to picking the right eyeliner that actually works for me. With combination skin that my eyeliners can get smudged any minute, I've tried countless eyeliners and had already given up on the pursuit of a perfect eyeliner until Sephora sent these two sample liners my way and they instantly became my go-to eyeliners and I have never used any other eyeliners from that day on. The Kat Von D Tattoo Liner is so easy to use that even someone so clumsy like me can pull off a cat eye look without any trouble. It glides on so effortlessly with thin strokes, so there is basically no way for you to screw it up. If you desire a more intense look, just do a few more layers to build it up and it stays on literally the WHOLE DAY!!! Or, you can use the Marc Jacobs Crayon eyeliner to add thickness and depth. These two go hand-in-hand and are my secret weapon to a perfect eye makeup!
- Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow Volumizing Fiber Gel, $24: I was born with thick eyebrows, so besides glooming and waxing it on time, I never really had to do much about my brow until the aesthetician at the Benefit Brow Bar used this on me. It's slightly tinted and you can simply brush it on your brows without worrying about messing it up. One swipe on each brow, then it's all done. Another no-brainer product for a lazybone like me.
- Maison Margiela Replica Discover Set, $65: To be honest, I've never been a perfume person and I was never big on it either. I don't put on perfume unless it's for special occasions. But, after smelling this Maison Margiela Replica in Beach Walk at a Sephora store, I changed my mind. The smell is so fresh that it literally reminds you of taking a stroll on the beaches, just like how it is named. Being a beach person, I had to get it. The other two scents (Lazy Sunday Morning, Tea Escape) are also amazing and they smell like nothing you've ever smelled. Try it and you'll know what I am talking about!
- Tatcha Kyoto Cleanse, $24: Both Japanese and Korean beauty products have becoming the new it trend in the US recently. Tatcha from Japan is definitely one of the most talked-about, most loved ones. The Geisha-inspired Polished Classic Rice Enzyme Powder & Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil are both its signature items. With this special set, you get to try out this legendary brand for the first time with a great price and see if it's worth the buzz. (I'll keep you girls posted once i try it!)
Okie, that's about it for today. Please stay tuned for the makeup sets list!
If you like what I wrote, please do like my Facebook page or instagram and give me a shout out! Appreciate it! :D