Hi Everyone,
I have a new blog coming up!!!
my goal is to make it a multifaceted lifestyle site that embodies not only hollywood fashion, denim news but also LA life info,
it will be a site that reflects who i really am and captures the essence of US fashion.
Styling tips/service & virtual fitting room will also be included in the foreseeable future,
so please stay tune!!!
i wanna be able to customize the page and make it really mine,
so from now on,
i'll post everything there n on my facebook fan page.
Feel free to check it out n drop a line!
I havent designed a theme for myself yet...cuz i've been really caught up by work,
but it will eventually be up, ha...
hope to see u guys there, my fellow fashion addicts!
i promise i'll update more often, lol!
以後會變一個全方位的好萊塢時尚, 牛仔褲資訊及LA生活相關資訊的網站...
所以以後我所有新的文章都會先post在這個新網站及我的facebook fan page,
歡迎大家上去看看, 留言, 給意見囉! :-)
目前因為工作太忙, 所以還沒時間設計一個自己的主題,
但是總有一天還是要做的, ha...