
since this is prolly my last year in LA,
i'd luv to say thank you to a few very dear friends of mine.
if not for them, i prolly wouldnt make it.

guys, thank u so much for making my last yr in LA so much better n interesting!

(alphabetically listed...oh i only listed the LA ones...n of course, i'm grateful for those out of the state friends 2!)

Andrea....u r my dearest sis here, i definitely couldnt make it w/o u! thx for being w me whenever i was down or happy! (oh 4 n all those entertainment/beauty/fashion info 2!) friendship forever!
Derek......cant believe we actually met each other at a cellphone store and really got to be friends! hey, thx for arguing w cingular 4 me 4 like hrs...n getting me that free blackberry pearl!
Jack...though we didnt know each other that long, still, thx for that july 4th fireworks, late nite dinners at rowland, movies n BBQ in irvine!
...even though we didnt get to hang out long enough, but hey, thx for that super fun nite at D&B n all those rides! G35 rocks! i luv luv luv that USC mark on ur window!  jim, get da ass back here soon so we'll all go race!
Jimmy...thx 4 saving me at 3:30 in the morning, ha! u r almost one of the squad, ha....n...u...u finished one of my best bottles...i want my ledson sauvignon blanc back lah! ha...
Papa Walk...ok, i know it's not a "person"'s a restaurant. but...well, i spent both my good times n bad times there...n jerry n sam, thank u 4 always having my back, esp. regarding that incident. the most important of all, thx 4 all the free deserts, drinks, n endless boba!
Rachel...u r my other sis here. even though there were ups n downs, we were always there for each other. sisterhood rules!
Vicky...even though we had very different styles n didnt really see each other a lot in person (yeah, we both live in LA), we always saw each other online n discussed all the beauty/fashion related issues. u r my bling-bling princess, my sis, n maybe someday, career partner! Vic, the SoCal sunshine misses u, get back soon lah! we need to start that blog thing of ours!
YaYin...thx 4 all those delicious n healthy chinese herbs!

n of course...thx to all those non-SoCal friends as well! 
last but not least, special thx to my dearest mom, dad, n grandma. thx for all the support, u guys r the best, always! i luv u!

    創作者 Jas 的頭像

    J's LA LA Land- 加州女孩J的LA時尚生活-加州洛杉磯生活旅遊, 美式時尚穿搭,美國頂級精品牛仔褲

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