各大premium denim品牌搶著推出動物紋的褲子, 包含豹紋和蛇紋,
進而帶動其它品牌如forever 21, gap等的跟從.
到了這季, 顏色更多元, 紋路更多了斑馬紋, 款式也從長褲增加到多了短褲.
現在, 就讓我帶大家來一窺這場狂野的動物紋風潮吧!
(摘自我之前撰寫的"the ultimate premium denim blackbook" 終極精品牛仔褲聖經)
4. Animal Print 動物紋: 雖然這季的動物紋沒有前一季那麼夯, 被floral prints分去了許多光環, 但仍佔有它的一席之地.
- 歐美女星名媛穿搭: Current/Elliott- Stiletto系列裡的豹紋款是最受女星歡迎的!
從最早的灰色- Emily Blunt, Isla Fisher, Sarah Jessica Parker, Katie Holmes
Anna Paquin, Elizabeth Olsen, Julian Moore, Nicky Hilton
和金色- Mandy Moore, Fergie, Hilary Rhoda
到現在的彩色, pastel色系, 和寶藍色 (saphire)- Cheryl Cole, Cheryl Cole, Hilary Duff, Miranda Kerr
還有穿著 J Brand snow leopard的 Kloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian & Heidi Klum
- 國外知名部落客穿搭:
- 推薦款式:
- 7 for all mankind (THE CROP SKINNY IN LASER ZEBRA) , BleuLab (Reversible Detour Novelty Legging), J Brand (powerstretch skinny in snow leopard)
- AG (Sateen Legging in Garnet Snake, Snake Ankle Legging in Raspberry, The Legging Ankle - Snake Raspberry)
- Current/Elliott (The Stiletto in Camel Leopard, Grey Leopard, Saphire Leopard; Neon Leopard, Mint Leopard, Dusty Peach Leopard, Cashmere Blue)
(Boyfriend Leopard Print Shorts in Camel Destroyed & Grey Destroyed)
(The Ankle Skinny in Vintage Zebra)
- Joe's Jeans (2" High Rise Cut Off Short in Leopard, The High Water in Leopard) & Paige Denim (Verdugo Ultra Skinny in Taupe Leopard)
- Siwy: Abbeylee Zip Crop in Meow- 這款很屌, 直接把老虎頭畫上去了!
LA是premium denim大本營, 各大牛仔褲品牌幾乎都是made in LA, 因此要逛premium denim, 這裡逛最齊全, 貨最多最新, 簡直是牛仔褲愛好者的天堂.
除了Robertson Blvd上Paige, True Religion, 7 For All Mankind, Gap 1969等專門店之外, Intermix, Kitson, Nordstrom, Bloomingdale's, Saks, Barney's COOP等也都是很好逛牛仔褲的地方.
但要一次逛齊最多品牌, 那就一定得到位於La Brea上的American Rag Cie了, 這裡集結了超多premium denim brands, 包你逛得過癮, 應有盡有!
South Coast Plaza裡的AG jeans
Barney's 穿 Rag & Bone (抱歉沒穿鞋, ha)
American Rag Cie裡的Current/Elliott也有豹紋外套, 褲子則是有紫色的...其實還蠻好看的! (但是燈光昏暗角度難抓,所以有點照不出來, 但是我個人超推!)
Paige本店試穿, Paige本人親自幫我挑選
如果你來到LA, 千萬別忘了去這些地方好好圓一下你的丹寧夢噢! (也小心荷包不保啊, 呵....)
最後, 別忘了按讚, 加入我的粉絲頁喔!
princess j's HOLLYWOOD DENIM fashion
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