

已經介紹了Cameron Diaz, Rachel Bilson, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba, Drew Barrymore, Vanessa Hudgens, Blake Lively等等,


也不能忘了雖然已經很messed up, 但還是蠻會穿衣服的-

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan: 美國媒體暱稱為LiLo, 雖然party, 吸毒吸得神智不清, 把大好前程都快丟光了, 但還好至少她的fashion sense還在, 穿著搭配仍是許多女生欣賞仿效的對象. 她走的風格是urban chic+downtown cool+sexy rocker vibe. 非常edgy, 搖滾, punk rock的Balman正是LiLo的愛牌!

LiLo對於牛仔褲的挑選跟品味幾近無懈可擊, 最近愛穿current elliot的短褲, Goldsign, Work Custom, Black Orchid是她的愛牌...喜歡以素色tank top和KAIN label的pocket T來搭配jeans, 加上素色或豹紋的ballet flats, 或是將skinny jeans or legging塞到平底黑色長靴中. 她最喜歡的靴子為 Kate Moss for Topshop biker flat boot.

42128, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Thursday July 1 2010. An upbeat Lindsay Lohan in good spirits as she and new gal pal Eliat Anschel (dark hair) leave the Arclight cinema after 1am. The ladies, who were also joined by another unidentified woman, has been to see the Twilight Saga: Eclipse . Photograph:  David Tonnessen,*FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES**37459, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Thursday February 4, 2010. Lindsay Lohan, dressed in an elegant grey wool jacket, makes her way through the scrum outside Madeo. According to recent reports, the actress is planning to clean and de-clutter her house in a bid to help her to sort her life. Photograph: David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.comlilolilo 3.jpglilo 5.jpglilo 6.jpglilo 7.jpglilo 4.jpglilo 2.jpg 

下面幾樣是LiLo Style的必備元素-

- ankle boots 踝靴
- cocktail dresses 去party穿的短裙
- black leggings 黑色的貼腿褲: 她愛legging跟常穿的程度讓她成立了自己的品牌: 6126. 

- black, black and more black 黑色, 黑色, 更多的黑色
- leopard print 豹紋
- fedora 男式軟呢帽
- shoe-boots 像靴子的高跟鞋

雖然LiLo的fashion處女作-與Ungaro的合作被批評得體無完膚而終止, 但近來鋼從jail跟rehab出來後的她似乎樸素正常了許多, 也恭喜她獲得與義大利品牌Fornarina的續約, 下面是最新秋冬的廣告, 我很喜歡整體的感覺, 大家覺得呢?

Lindsay Lohan

另外, LiLo自家品牌6126這季不再只賣leggings, 還賣外套, 褲子, 洋裝等等...有幾件我都蠻喜歡的, 可是超級貴, 實在買不起啊! 像下面那件leather trench coat要 $660, 黑色長褲至少平價一些, 要$176, Blazer- $209

6126Lilo 6126 pant.jpgirissinger_2119_333108499.jpg 



Katie Holmes

Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen

Audrina Patridge, Kristin Cavallari from "the Hills"

Foreign Imports (國外進口)

Charlize Theron

Kate Beckinsale

Cate Blanchette


除了以上幾外, 當然還有出名的Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, Sarah Jessica Parker等等...

但是Victoria號稱posh, 她的style也實在太runway了點, 不太適合普通人在日常生活中穿.

而Rihanna, 她的確是個risk-taker, 但是有些實在是太舞台了一點, 我們普通人沒有要上舞台表演, 大概也不可能穿成那樣吧...

至於SJP的話, 如果沒有Sex and the City, 她這輩子大概也不會成為style icons...她真要好好感謝SJP的stylist- Patricia Field.

不過Patricia Field的風格, 我個人認為太過花俏, 顏色太過鮮豔, 也是另一個不適合正常人在路上穿的衣服...


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